Saturday, 31 May 2008

For-Profit Organizations

The Sierra Club. (2006-2008). Environmental Justice-Regional Projects: Central Appalachia. Retrieved May 31, 2008, from

The Sierra Club organization, one of the oldest environmental agencies, has been working to preserve all aspects of the earth since 1892. The organization does accept donations and encourages members to subscribe to their publications in which all proceeds go towards current cause projects and in keeping the organization alive. As a resource, the Sierra Club website features the mountaintop removal issue in Appalachia within its environmental justice issues section. There are two pages that discuss the issue, one providing news feature articles about current progress/problems in Appalachia, and the other page gives a history on how mountaintop removal came into existence, and the politics behind Bush's decision to allow the practice. The bottom of this page gives the reader a chance to sign a petition against the practice. The Sierra Club website in general encourages readers to make a contribution to the organization to stop all environmental injustices. This website would be useful to a researcher because it provides a different perspective on the information it gives about mountaintop removal. While the other websites concentrate on giving a general overview and hard facts about the topic, the Sierra Club presents its information from more of a political stance, hitting all of the hot decision-making aspects of the issue. It doesn't just give a history of mountaintop removal itself, but of the whole political process that birthed it as well.

National Geographic. (1996-2008). National Geographic Magazine: When Mountains Move by John G. Mitchell. Retrieved June 3, 2008, from

National Geographic began as a society that formed in 1890 that researched and explored the world in many different areas. It has over the years funded more than 8,300 projects and expeditions and is one of the world's founding exploration groups. Today, they mainly focus on animal and environmental exploration and research through investigative journalism and photography. The organization is obviously funded through their primary project, the National Geographic Magazine, which funds the society's exploration and research costs. The National Geographic website is designed to display the magazine's feature articles and photography. Under the Science and Space section of the website, National Geographic hosts a number of articles printed within the last few years concerning Appalachia's mountaintop removal issue. One of the best articles is written by John G. Mitchell and is entitled, "When Mountains Move." The article features one West Virginia town and it's battle against the coal industry for environmental and humanitarian rights, and in stopping the mountaintop removal madness. The article provides great statistical data on exactly how much the practice has affected the area. It also traces the legal process involving the town and the coal industry, which sheds light on how the mountaintop removal has been addressed in the White House.

Non-Profit Organizations

Appalachian Voices. (1999-2007). Mountaintop Removal Coal Mining. Retrieved April 15, 2008, from

The Appalachian Voices website is an information site created by a group of people who assembled to address and attempt to solve the environmental issues that have the greatest impact on central and southern Appalachia. The mission of the Appalachian Voices is to "empower people to defend our region's rich natural and cultural heritage by providing them with tools and strategies for successful grassroots campaigns." The Appalachian Voices website mainly addresses the problem of mountaintop removal within the Appalachian mountain region because of its drastic and immediate impact on the area. The site is designed to inform the visitor about the process of mountaintop removal, the destructive effects of it, and applicable steps to take in getting involved with programs that fight these negative environmental processes. The site also includes links to other sites that support and inform about environmental justices issues and includes some links to interactive multimedia stories and activities concerning mountaintop removal. The website would be useful to a researcher because it informs of what's going on to stop mountaintop removal, and what it is going to take to stop it. It provides an overview on the process of mountaintop removal, myths and facts about it, how it affects the economy, and how it affects the people and environment.

I Love Mountains Coalition. (2005-2008). End Mountaintop Removal Action and Resource Center. Retrieved April 15, 2008, from

The I Love Mountains website was created by the I Love Mountains Organization, which is a local, state and regional organization across the Appalachian region that formed to work together to end mountaintop removal. Through the organization, this website was created and banded together 7 grassroots organizations from 5 Appalachian states to experiment with cutting edge technology to inform the public about mountaintop removal processes. This website contains more of the informational aspect than any other website I have found so far about mountaintop removal. Its information is far and wide as it provides steps to how you can get involved in stopping mountaintop removal, why it is a problem, and what can be done to stop it. It provides an overabundance of multimedia to drive home the problem of mountaintop removal and also to educate the reader further through visual resources. This website would be useful to a researcher because while it does include credible and important information, I feel that the multimedia resources are what make it an excellent source. Not all websites provide the opportunity to actually view the removing of a mountain, but this website does just that with the video recordings and even provides informational maps so that you can see where mountaintop removal has devastated certain areas in Appalachia. 

Mountain Justice Summer. (2006-2008). Mountain Justice Summer and Mountaintop Removal. Retrieved June 3, 2008, from

Mountain Justice Summer is an organized group of people from the Kentucky, Tennessee, West Virginia and Virginia regions that have responded to the request from residents in these areas concerning mountaintop removal practices. The group considers themselves a call to action in response to the people, the mountains, the streams, and the forests that are affected by mountaintop removal. Some of their goals include raising world-wide awareness of mountaintop removal, escalating resistance to from a regional to a national level, and to unify the regional groups that fight against mountaintop removal. The organization's website mainly features the group's goals, projects and influence in the "Stop Mountaintop Removal" campaign. However, under it's "Facts" section, the website features specific coal mining companies that are targeted in the practice, as well as certain government officials and governmental agencies that are targeted as perpetrators. There are also government officials listed that are against mountaintop removal. All of these people and agencies listed are provided with contact information. The website also focuses a lot on the legality issues involved in mountaintop removal and how it is an infringement on public and private property, which is something that most other websites do not mention. This website would be useful to a researcher because it does present hard facts about the mountaintop removal issue, but in an area that isn't widely covered in all websites. It gives the researcher the legal problems with the practice and why it qualifies as an issue on the judicial level. Also, the researcher is given contact information to some of the most important people involved in the mountaintop removal topic.